Beech Milkcap

Lactarius blennius

25th October 2016, Hollesley Common, Woodbridge
Growing amongst leaf and needle litter near beech, pine and birch. Handful dotted around. Cap 2.5-7.5cm, 4-5cm high. No distinct smell. Milk very acrid and bitter. Could easily be another type of Russula. ID is very likely.

14th October 2015, Hayes Common
Growing in leaf litter near oak and holly trees. Several dotted around. Cap 3-5cm. No smell. Milk very hot. Not growing anywhere near beech trees but apparently the Beech Milkcap isn't all that fussy. ID is very likely. Sporeprint white. Spores 7-8.5µ x 5.5-7µ.

18th September 2015, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing on on earth bank near beech tree. Troop of more than six. Cap 2.5-6.5cm. Smell none, but perhaps slightly mushroomy. Milk nutty at first then after 10 seconds hot and acrid and taste persisting. Sporeprint White, but perhaps very pale cream. Spores 6.5-8µ x 5.5-7µ.

24th November 2013, Wepham Wood near Angmering
Growing on beech leaf litter. Cap 6cm. Smell slight, perhaps a bit fruity. Milk very acrid after seconds. Could be another type of milkcap but Beech Milkcap is most likely. ID is best guess.
